How To Edit Any Applications Springboard Icon

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 28 Juli 2011 0 komentar
After doing this post, I realized how easily I could also change applications icons on the springboard. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 so I had to use Gimp for the image editing.

MakeItMine has "Erica" on its icon: (top left)

I don't really care for that, so I opened iFile and started the wifi browser, entered my phones local ip in my computers browser and downloaded the icon.png from /Applications/ Delete the icon from your phone with iFile before continuing. I then opened the downloaded png in Gimp and used the select tool to select just the area I wanted to paint over with the paint brush. I deleted "Erica" and then used the text tool to put "NeXuS". You'll then want to merge visible layers and save it. Then go back to your browser and upload the newly edited png back to your phone. iFile will rename it to icon (1).png if you didn't delete the original first (like mentioned above). Swipe and delete icon.png if you have two of them now and then click the arrow next to icon (1).png and rename it to icon.png. Save and close iFile, respring to see your changes like this:

Much better :) Sorry Erica!

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How To Edit Any Applications Name On Springboard

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I have a few apps that have pretty lengthy names. After installing Five-Column SB I realized that some of the apps names would border each other and it just wasn't very pleasing to the eye. So, I opened my favorite program iFiles and set out to find a solution. UPDATE: I forgot I made this post a while back, I've since installed and used Icon Renamer by Ryan Petrich. I'd recommend this wayyy before doing manual edits as its much faster.

Navigate to /Applications and choose whichever app you want to rename. In its main directory, for instance /Applications/ you should see a file called "Info.plist". Click it and hit "Text Viewer", then find the line that says:

(the key might be named either CFBundleName or CFBundleDisplayName)

Change the name in the second line, like this:

Save and close iFile and respring to see your changes. Do not change anything else in this file or your program could stop functioning.

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How To Remove Even More Language Related Files

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 27 Juli 2011 0 komentar
Here is a small list of places you can delete more configuration files that aren't nessasary for the use of your iPhone. In any one of these locations you never want to delete a file with the "en" designation as that is short for English, of course. Also remember you can always click the "Edit" button in iFile and then put check marks next to each file and hit the trashcan when deleting multiple files. This is much faster than swiping and pressing delete on each one.

Delete every folder except for TextInput_en.bundle
Delete every Keyboard-*.plist file except Keyboard-en.plist, Keyboard.en_US.plist and Keyboard-default.plist.
Delete every folder except "en".
Delete every StaticBookmarks-*.plist except StaticBookmarks-AM.plist and StaticBookmarks-en_US.plist
Delete three Japanese dictionaries that all start with "Shogakukan".

The final location requires editing a file with iFiles text editor. Navigate to this folder:
Click on "KeyboardToLanguage.plist" and choose Text Viewer, then click Edit. You need to delete nearly every line, leaving only whats pictured below:

After all of the above was deleted/edited along with everything from this post, I saw some noticeable difference in how fast my iPhone reboots and its overall responsiveness, though its marginal. I gained some RAM, I'd estimate about ~15MB. I'm pretty happy with the results so if your phone is always running fairly low on RAM, these two guides could help free some much needed speediness on your device. I think the only time you'll see a difference after removing language related files is when you are starting up the mail app or something else related to text input. I just like cleaning up the phone a bit, ridding of files I won't ever use. I'm going to dig further into what else I can safely remove.

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Smart Recorder

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
View this video on how to use SmartRecorder within SmartNotebook

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SmartNotebook Recorder

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
To preview a video on how to use SmartRecorder within SmartNotebook. Click the Jing link below.

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How To Remove Langauge Packs From iPhone

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 26 Juli 2011 0 komentar
All credit for the following 'hack' goes to "JM" at

I followed his tutorial but had some hangups that I figured others with firmware 4.3.3 might have. So I decided to post a slightly revised tutorial here. I used the "stripped down" version because I just wanted to quickly delete all languages but English.

View either this link (full script) or this link (stripped down) from your iPhones web browser. Copy the entire code found on either page using the iPhones copy/paste feature, starting from "#! /bin/sh" and ending with "# end of script".

Open iFile and navigate to this folder /private/var/mobile and click "Edit" then + at the bottom left of your screen. Type the name "", change its "Attributes" to "Regular File" and then click "Create". Now click "Done" and then click on the file you just created, open with "Text Viewer", click "Edit" then paste the code from above into it. Click "Done" and close iFile, you're done with it.

Open MobileTerminal and type the following exactly: (skip this part if you're already changed your root passwords)

su root

It will ask you for a password. The default password from Apple is "alpine" (without quotes). Then type:


It will ask you to set a new password. Make very sure you type exactly what you want your new password to be. Terminal does not display what you're typing for passwords (they call it a security measure). It will ask you to type the password again to verify you got it right. Then type:

passwd mobile

Again it will ask you for a new password and then to verify it. You can choose to have the same password for both, it doesn't matter. What you're doing making sure that no one else can access your phones files from the internet by using the default password "alpine", which everyone knows about.

Once that's complete, you'll be logged into the ROOT account. Now we can start removing the language packs. Type this exactly:

cd /private/var/mobile

then this:

chmod 755

then this:


If everything to this point has worked correctly, you should be prompted to answer "y" or "n" to deleting all languages except English/Japanese. Just hit the y on your keyboard and click return. The process takes a little while, ~2.5 minutes for me so be patient. It will notify when its completed and how many languages were removed. You can check to make sure this worked by going to your iPhones settings menu like so: settings -> general -> international -> language. There should now only be English, Japanese (symbols), and British English.

I don't see an improvement in available RAM, though I'm not surprised by this. I don't really see any 'performance' enhancement at all. But, I also don't see why the space taken up with these useless files is necessary and its always fun to learn how to delete things that Apple doesn't want to let you by default.

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How To Get A List Of Installed Cydia Applications

Posted by Unknown Senin, 25 Juli 2011 0 komentar
If you're facing having to restore your iDevice for whatever reason. You're probably fearing trying to figure out what all the apps were you have installed from Cydia. Sure, you can view a list of them in Cydia and write them all down or create a document on your computer and type it all but who wants to do that? There's a couple of programs out there that can backup and restore your Cydia apps, some free and some that cost. Two examples I'm aware of are AptBackup (FREE) or PkgBackup ($7.99). For those of us that want something fairly simple and free that creates a file for us to view or save wherever we want, navigate to this folder with iFile:


View the file simply called "status" with the text editor option. You'll then have a list of all of your Cydia installed applications along with some useful information about each app such as installed size, who maintains the app, version number, what dependencies the app has (what other programs does it rely on), a description of what the program does (as it was displayed in the Cydia store), the apps URL homepage, author and their email address, who sponsors it, etc.

You can either email this file to yourself from iFile (viewable on your computer as a standard text document), or copy and paste into your favorite email application.

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Should 'Money' be an adjective, not a noun?

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 24 Juli 2011 0 komentar

I've been following Ben Laurie's thoughts on Bitcoin and now his new paper on An Efficient and Practical Distributed Currency.

He envisages a group of 'mintettes' that can agree on the distribution of coins, transfer them between individuals, and mint new ones, deciding between themselves how to distribute these. I like the idea of the different mintettes having different Public Good type ideas of where the newly created coins get assigned. The key here is to grow the coin supply at a rate that is lower than the growth of value held, so holders of your coinage get some appreciation, and distribute the new money to worthy causes, or to clients of that mintette.

In effect you're doing an end run around Gresham's law, in the same way that the Brazilian Real did - and not how the US Govt is doing with dollar coins. This is the bit that the libertarian summer camp got backwards - although they traded with gold, they set prices in US dollars.

We do have a precedent for this, and it is an encouraging one. In effect, each company stock is a private currency. The success of Silicon Valley has been helped by the ability of companies here to mint this money-like stuff, and distribute it to stakeholders and investors alike. The difference is that they create new tranches of 'coins' at board meetings, though stock option vesting is a bit like the smooth currency growth that Bitcoin and Ben envisage. Again the goal is growing the money supply at a rate below demand, so that those holding it are rewarded.

In effect we already have things that are more or less like currencies, and these new ones have some encouraging precedents.

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How To Remove Nike + iPod Application From Your iPhone 4 Permanently

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The following guide was put together for firmware 4.3.3. I have no guarantees this will work on your device, but it did in fact work for me with no negative effects whatsoever.

I found this tutorial from a google search. Unfortunately it wasn't correct for some of the folder locations for my iPhone 4 with 4.3.3 firmware and it wasn't even complete or clearly put together. So, I used iFile and created a backup folder, called "Nike files", in case I got anything wrong. I put it in the folder I made in my previous post called "Deleted stock apps".

Let's get started! (make a backup folder and copy EVERYTHING you're going to delete, always!)

The following files need to be deleted:

<-- some sort of Nike related icon file will appear here ONLY if you had the Nike+iPod app turned on in settings. Skip this if you did NOT have it on. /System/Library/SpringBoardPlugins/NikeLockScreen.bundle

That completes the list of files to delete. Now we must tell the settings menu to forget about the Nike+Ipod application, as it will still be listed there.

Navigate to \Applications\\ and find the file "Settings.plist". Click it and select "Text Viewer". Scroll down nearly to the bottom of this document and find the following grouping:


Once you've done that, it should look like this:

Now click "Done" in the upper right corner of the keyboard and then click "Save" in the upper right corner of your screen. You should not get any errors, if you do... click "Cancel" in the upper left corner of your screen, it will re-load the file, then edit it again as above.

Close iFile when the above steps are complete. Respring your device and POOF! Nike+Ipod is gone forever (unless you restore all of these files you hopefully backed up). If all is well, its your choice to keep the backup files. I deleted them.

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How To Remove Stocks And Game Center Using iFile

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011 0 komentar
I find it annoying that Apple thinks they can dictate what I can delete from my own phone. When you buy a iDevice it comes with pre-installed software like Stocks, Game Center, iBooks, and others.

Today, you're going to learn how to delete those applications safely and permanently.

NOTE: The following guide is written for firmware 4.3.3

Go to Cydia and search for iFile. Install as usual and respring. Once your iPhone restarts, find the new icon for iFile and click it.

Follow these steps exactly:
(Just repeat steps for all applications you wish to delete)

1. Click the upper left button in iFile to go back a directory until you're at "/".
2. Click the upper right button "Edit" and then the bottom right "+" sign to create a new directory.
3. A page will come up, name the new directory "Deleted stock apps" and then tap "Create".
4. If it sends you into the new folder, hit the upper left button again to go back to the "/" directory.
5. Click on the "Applications" folder. Here you will see a list of all the apps you have installed.
6. Click on the upper right button "Edit" and then scroll down till you find
7. Check the circle next to and you'll notice a new icon on the very bottom right of your screen, it looks like a clipboard, click it and choose "Copy/Link" and then click "Done".
8. Click the upper left button to go back a directory, click the "Deleted stock apps" folder.
9. Click the upper right button "Edit" and then click the bottom clipboard button and choose "Paste".

You've now created a backup of the app to use in case you need it again, but its ignored by the OS for now. Please continue the following the steps:

10. Click the upper left button to go back a directory and then choose the /Applications directory again.
11. Scroll down to and swipe it from left to right to bring up the delete option.
12. Navigate to /System/Library/AccessibilityBundles and delete "Stocks.axbundle"

You can now hit the home button and return to your Springboard where you will notice the app is still listed but the icon is white. Respring your device and POOF! the app you deleted is entirely gone!

I researched this for a hour and kept finding videos and post saying you had to do this is in this folder:


However, this folder didn't exist (even with hidden files set to show). I'm guessing on older firmware, the applications folder was there and not on root? I have no idea, but these steps worked for me. I don't suggest doing this unless you have a iPhone 4 with firmware 4.3.3 as I can not promise this will work on any other device and firmware.

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NoCyfresh i4 by "Nathulal" (FREE)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I LOVE Cydia, but one thing I could say sucks about it is how long it takes to refresh package/source lists every bleeding time you start it. If you're like me, you start Cydia over and over in a night just finding and trying new apps/tweaks. Do we really need Cydia to update 25 times a night?

Enter NoCyfresh i4.

NOTE: You need SBSettings installed before continuing with the installation of NoCyfresh!

This tweak is simple.. keep Cydia from auto-refreshing. You can still manually update, or you can toggle NoCyfresh on/off via SBSettings before you open Cydia.

The i4 designation is for iPhone 4's. There is a iPhone 3G & 3GS version in Cydia as well, use whichever pertains to you. There are no settings to change for this and no icon on the Springboard.

"WARNING: This toggle actually modifies Cydia launcher to prevent Cydia from auto-refreshing."

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):
NoCyfresh i4 (iPhone 4, iOS 4.0+)
NoCyfresh (iPhone 3G & 3GS, iOS 3.1.2)
More information:

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Backgrounder & MultiFl0w (FREE & $4.99)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I paired these together because, well, they belong together. Backgrounder allows applications to remain in memory, so you can quickly switch back and fourth between them without having to reload any of the apps. Apple's attempt at making a multitasking capability pretty much failed with iOS 4. Backgrounder, if configured to do so, mimics Androids multitasking interface.

MultiFl0w (with a zero) is a add-on application for Backgrounder. It is technically a stand alone app, but working along with Backgrounder offers more options to better suit your needs.

Install via Cydia, starting with Backgrounder and then MultiFl0w.

Here are the settings that I use for Backgrounder (installs its own icon on the springboard):

Under the "Global" menu
"Backgrounding method" Backgrounder
"Options for "Backgrounder" -> Fall Back to Native - Off
"Backgrounding state" -> Enable at Launch - Off, Stay Enabled - On
"Indicate state via..." -> Badge - On, Status Bar Icon - On
"Minimize on Toggle" On

Here are the settings I use for MultiFl0w (via iPhones settings menu):
"Activation Method" Home Button -> Double Press
"Switcher style" Cards
"Rearrangeable Tabs" Off (Expose mode only, I use Cards)
"Tap on black closes" On
"Wallpaper style" None
"Closes to homescreen" On
"Overlay App Icons" Off
"BG current on switch" Off
"Remove from tray..." On

With these configured this way, I just press and hold the home button for a short time to minimize the app while keeping its status in memory. To view all running apps, I double click the home button. This brings me to a black screen with "Cards" showing the running apps. I can select one, which maximizes the app, or I can click little X's to close a particular app. If I am using a app that I wish to close without backgrounding it, I just click home button quickly and it closes without backgrounding. All apps stay backgrounded until I close them from the Cards screen. This is exactly how I wanted it!

I really want to thank all those involved in the Backgrounding project, as its now open source, and a really BIG thanks to Lance Fetters (original creator of Backgrounder) and Aaron Ash (creator of MultiFl0w).

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):
More information:
Backgrounder Source Code

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MyOS by Steven Barker ($0.99)

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 22 Juli 2011 0 komentar

MyOS is a control freaks dream come true. This handy tweak lets you turn off, and back on, features in your devices OS which can free up ram.

What you can turn off:

Homescreen wallpaper
Multitasking (turn this off if you use Backgrounder)
HDR (High Dynamic Range camera setting)
Unified iPod
Voice Control.

Install via Cydia

I gained ~15-24mb of ram after disabling native multitasking and voice control! (check your ram using SBSettings)

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):

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Graviboard by Conrad Kramer ($2.99)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Graviboard is a fun little tweak that lets you change the gravity of your Springboard. You can set it to equal Earths, the Moon, or zero gravity. Once you've configured it, you can turn your phone and the icons will all fall to whatever side is down and you can flick them around and watch them bounce off each other. Pressing the home button will disable the app and return the icons to their original positions.

This tweak is compatible with SBRotator, which is a plus! The screen is locked in portrait mode until the home button is pressed.

Here are the settings I use:

"Activation Method" Status Bar - Hold (Tap and hold on the status bar)
"Allow Launching Apps" Off
"Close on Home Button" On
"Include Dock" Off
"Show HUD" On
"Icon Settings" (left all default)
"Finger Mode" None
"Gravity" Moon

At $2.99, I'm not sure its entirely worth it. I do laugh a lot while tossing the icons into each other, though. I just think this add-on would be a lot more appealing in the $1-2 range.

Nevertheless, thank you Conrad Kramer!

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):
More information:

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Panorama by David Ashman ($1.99)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Via David's Twitter post, "Panorama is a dead product. There are other products on the market that do a better job." Here he suggest Parallax.

Panorama mimics the moving background feature of Android phones. When you scroll your pages on the iPhone's Springboard, the background moves with them. I have seen video of this application on iPhone but unfortunately it requires firmware 4.1 or lower :( Being that I'm on 4.3.3, I'll just have to wait.

Hopefully a update will be released soon, I've emailed the developer to see if there is any plan for a compatibility update. I wouldn't mind if any of the other features, such as icon text color changing, weren't implemented just to get the panoramic background working!

Here's a YouTube review by "fishyy15":

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):
Panorama (iOS lower than 4.1)

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CallBar by E. Limneos & J. Tucker ($3.99)

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 19 Juli 2011 0 komentar
I'm very excited about this tweak, unfortunately the default screen-shot button sequence doesn't work while this tweak is displaying a call, so no image for this post :/ (I've added a video found on YouTube below, a good look at its functionality)

CallBar is a modification to how your iPhone displays phone calls. If you've ever been in the middle of typing a email or watching a youtube video only to have someone call you and interrupt what you're doing, then you know how irritating this can be. By default the iPhone will pop up a incoming phone call screen that displays your basic information about the caller and a few options for interacting with the call. What typically happens to me, is I'm typing something when the phone rings and I end up hitting deny before I can even react to the phone call. CallBar fixes all of these irritations, and it was just released yesterday (July 18th).

This app comes from a standard Cydia repository, so no need to add a new one. Just search for CallBar in Cydia and install as usual. This app cost $3.99 and is worth every bit of that!

Review by "myjailbreakmovies":

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):

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How To Jailbreak Your iDevice (Simple Method)

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 17 Juli 2011 0 komentar

There are many choices these days on what to use for unlocking your iDevice. My weapon of choice, so to speak, is the super simple unlock from developer Comex. All you need to do is go to that url via Safari on your iDevice. If your device and firmware (4.3.3 or lower) are compatible, the website will tell you this, then you'll see a screen that mimics Apples App Store. Simply click "Free" and then "Install" and you'll be taken back to your Springboard so you can watch the magic happen. Cydia is being installed and the entire hack, or whatever you want to call it, takes less than 20 seconds, typically.

I can remember jail-breaking my iPhone 3G way back when you had to use USB and hold these buttons for this long and wait several minutes for the jailbreak to work, if it even did. There sure were a lot of bricks and angry people back then. Jail-breaking has come a lonnnnggggggg way since then.

Thank you so much Comex!

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3DBoard by "Apocolipse" ($2.99)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Actually, this application is not very interesting or functional. I honestly felt ripped off after buying this tweak. The idea is to move your background when you move your phone, giving the Springboard depth and a "3D" look. Unfortunately it doesn't deliver either. Since I put my experiences with all apps that I install, I felt I should warn people that this is more of a gimmick app, at least at this point anyways. Future updates may make this app worth having, but so far... not so much.

In the 2 available settings for this app, I increased the depth to maximum (didn't notice much difference) and then ultimately turned the application off. I haven't used it since.


If this type of program interest you, check out a app by Ryan Petrich called DeepEnd.

Here is how to install DeepEnd:

In Cydia, click "Manage", then "Sources". In the upper right corner click "Edit", then in the upper left corner click "Add". After "http://" add and click "Add Source". Cydia will update, then either choose the new repo from the list that comes up or search Cydia for DeepEnd and install as usual. (Oh, and did I mention its FREE!!)

After trying both applications, I can definitively say that DeepEnd is slightly better. It has a zoom function that helps the 3D appearance tremendously. However, neither application is all that interesting. You have to have one eye closed and the phone laying flat on its back in your hand for the full effect. If you're holding the phone in front of you standing straight up then it doesn't really move from side to side, only up and down. I'd say don't waste your time with these, they just don't work well enough to sacrifice the RAM or CPU cycles.

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):

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CyDelete by Dustin Howett (FREE)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

A lot of applications downloaded via Cydia have icons on the Springboard (desktop). To uninstall apps from Apples App Store, you just hold your finger on a app till they wiggle and then hit the X. Unfortunately Cydia apps are not this easy. By default, you have to open Cydia, wait for it to load, click manage and then this and that and so on. Its a time consuming process and it shouldn't have to be....

To fix this problem, install CyDelete via Cydia. This nifty little tweak allows for deleting any app from Cydia that has a Springboard icon. If the app does not have a icon, you can't use CyDelete to remove it. You'll still have to use Cydia in this case.

There are no options for this app, you can either turn on or off Cydia protection (so you can't accidently remove Cydia). There is also no icon for this program, so if you should decide to remove it, you have to do so through Cydia.

Thank you for this tweak Dustin Howett!

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):

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Infinidock & Infinifolders by Grant Paul ($0.99 each)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Infinidock is a tweak that allows you to have... infinite icons in your dock, in case you hadn't guessed. Install via Cydia like normal.

Here are the settings that I use:
"Icons per Page" Five
"Start at Page" Disabled
"Scrolling" On
"Paging" Off
"Scrolling Snap" On

Infinifolders is a tweak that allows a infinite number of icons within a user created folder, such as games. I believe Apple only allows 12 icons per folder.

Here are the settings that I use:
"Vertical Scrolling" On
"Scrolling Bounce" Enabled
"Scrollbar Style" White (because the folders theme is dark, best contrast)
"Vertical Paging" Off

It's sort of sad we even have to mod our devices to do both of these things, but I'm happy they are available. Also be sure to check out the third Infini tweak, Infiniboard (I don't have a use for it at this time).

Thank you Grant Paul!

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):

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SBAdBlockToggle by Nathulal (FREE) Block All iPhone Ads System Wide!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Probably the most annoying aspect of today's modern world is being engulfed by advertisements pretty much everywhere you turn. A lot of good applications from Apple's App Store don't offer a paid version without ads, instead generating revenue from ads from within the application. While I can understand this logic, I don't agree with it. So I'm going to show you how to globally block (pretty much) all ads in your iPhone, even in Cydia!

Here's how: (Note: SBSettings must be installed before continuing with this tutorial, found in Cydia)

If you don't already have Modyouri's repo in Cydia:

Start up Cydia, choose "Manage" at the bottom and then choose "Sources". Click "Edit" and then "Add". After "http://" add and click "Add Source". Then either choose the new source from the list "" or search for SBAdBlockToggle or click the link at the bottom of this post to install it.

This app self updates a list of ip addresses to block when its started. Once its installed you can visit Cydia or open any of your free apps that have advertisements and they should either be completely gone or just a black bar with no ad and nothing to accidentally click. I'm sorry but I feel it should be a choice to have your device display ads or not. Again, I understand the logic behind it but I've chosen to disable it. I didn't notice much of a decrease in speed with this enabled, in fact Cydia seems to load about twice as fast now while there is no noticeable difference in Safari.

There are no settings to configure with this app. You turn it on or off from SBSettings menu (drag your finger across the top status bar of your iPhone from left to right (default) to bring down SBSettings, if installed correctly)

Hooray, no more ads! Thanks for your hard work Nathulal.

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):

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Barrel by Aaron Ash ($2.99)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

If you've ever used Linux, you might have seen or heard of Compiz which, when setup for it, will allow your desktop to be displayed on a rotating cube. The default animation for iPhone is boring, the pages simply slide off the screen. Yawn. If you want to add an exciting new animation, install Barrel!

Here's how:

Open Cydia and choose "Search", find Barrel by Aaron Ash and install it. Re-spring and go to your iPhones settings menu. Choose Barrel and then select the mode (animation) you want. I suggest "Curl and Roll Away", though the 3D cube (both inside and outside) are available as well for a total of 17 animations (as of version 1.5.7).

This has to be 'the' top modification to the Springboard that I've found so far. Thank you Aaron Ash!

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):

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SBRotator by Elias Limneos ($1.99)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

If you're like me, you wonder why Apple doesn't have a widescreen Springboard (aka desktop). Thanks to Elias Limneos, you now can! This tweak even works in various other parts of the iPhone OS such as Settings Menu, Youtube, and more!

Note: I suggest you have SBSettings installed before installing SBRotator for easy on/off operation.

This application has no Springboard icon, but does have settings you can change in the iPhones main settings menu.

Once installed, re-spring and turn your phone 90 degrees (left or right) and your Springboard will go into widescreen mode. How cool!

I only changed these settings to make the app look better:
"iPad-style Layout" 4x4 to 3x6 (16 icons max)
"Icon Scale" 85%

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):
SBRotator 4.x (iOS 4.0+)
SBRotator 4.x SBSettings Toggle (iOS 4.0+)

SBRotator 3.x (iOS 3.x)
SBRotator 3.x SBSettings Toggle (iOS 3.x)

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A whopping 1%

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 05 Juli 2011 0 komentar
One percent doesn't sound like much does it? In reality, it can be a huge number. I'd take 1% of Bill Gate's worth anyday - that would leave me with $560 Million. Another big number is 1% of the world's web browsing usage, which is what Apple's iPad is reported to have achieved. Considering that 5% of all web browsing is now done on mobile devices, the iPad is used for a massive chunk of that browsing.

In the US those numbers are even larger, with the iPad being used for just over 2% of all web browsing, and mobile devices accounting for just over 8%. Pretty impressive numbers especially considering the iPad celebrated it's first anniversary just two months ago.

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Independence Day

Posted by Unknown Senin, 04 Juli 2011 0 komentar
Happy Independence Day!

Enjoy the fireworks and festivities celebrating the Declaration of Independence, adopted July 4, 1776.

There is even an iPhone app called Independence Day. There are plenty of apps available on the iTunes store that are discounted for the Independence Day long weekend - check them out!

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Office Jerk gets Jerkier!

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011 0 komentar
Most of you iPhone users (at least those that visit the iTunes store) have probably seen the free app Office Jerk! This fun app has gone through some developmental changes and improvements that gives new and seasoned players some great fun. The premise behind the game is to throw different items at the Office Jerk. We all know who that person is at our own workplace, and this game allows you to vent out some frustrations you would love to do for real - but can't!

Office Jerk has been downloaded 7.5 Million times from iTunes!

Originally the game started as a huge hit, reaching #1 free app, by offering items such as a pencil and an eraser to throw. The Jerk made some sound effects. As the game developed the Jerk began reacting more to having items chucked at him. Now in the latest version, the Jerk is more interactive than ever. There is also a "shelf" of items available to throw, each resulting in a different reaction from the Jerk, and each breaking unique items in the game. I won't give away all the secrets but I will tell you that golf ball and the cupcakes are now my favorite, taking over from the dynamite and pie.

Office Jerk was recently released on a few of the Android markets!

Those those that are interested there is also a checklist available on the Office Jerk Facebook page. Now you can see all the actions you are missing!

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Happy Canada Day!!!

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 01 Juli 2011 0 komentar
Happy Canada Day to all those 34 Million Canadians out there!

Top ten ways to celebrate:

10. Make pancakes with pure maple syrup.
9. Eat bacon.
8. Wear red and white colours (Canadians add the U in color).
7. Be even nicer than normal.
6. Visit Niagara Falls (popular).
5. Visit Canada's desert (in Osoyoos, British Columbia).
4. Drink real beer (not any of that 4.5% alcohol stuff).
3. Play hockey, and do it well!
2. Enjoy having different holidays, spelling and even 1/2 hour time zones.
1. Finish every sentence with "Eh" (nobody knows why?)

But most of all, enjoy Canada's 144th Birthday.

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Royal Tour

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I've posted a few times already about Will and Kate's wedding and any apps and websites dedicated to the Royal Wedding and the Royal Couple. Remember the famous kiss... actually it was two!

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have started their Official 2011 Royal Tour and there is an app dedicated to just that. Royal Tour is free on the iTunes store. As well as showing tour dates and and a full itinerary, the app is a source of photo and video updates of their tour. There is a link to read what is being said on Twitter and there is also a Facebook connection titled Crown in Canada.

Will and Kate will be touring Canada from June 30 - July 8, 2011! Seeing them live would be great, but this Kick Butt little iPhone app is great for those who are excited about the Royal Couple and what they are doing!

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