Word 10 Shortcuts

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 30 September 2012 0 komentar
These are strokes you can use to save time. shortcutworld.com/en/win/Word_2010.html

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Creating Tables in Word 10 (Video)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Use the Bill of Rights  to create a 3 Column Table
#1.                 Title                          Explanation

Class members will create a table of class members: First Name, Last Name, Birth State, and number of children.

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

A shrimp's heart is in their head.
People say when you sneeze because when you sneeze, you're heart stops for a millisecond.
In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand (or attempted to do so).
It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
By law, every child in Belgium must take harmonica lessons at Primary school.
Rats and horses can't vomit.
The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib.
If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders.
Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

The Bill of Rights

The first ten Amendments (Bill of Rights) were ratified effective December 15, 1791.

Amendment I: Freedom of religion, speech, and the press; rights of assembly and petition

Amendment II: Right to bear arms

Amendment III: Housing of soldiers

Amendment IV: Search and arrest warrants

Amendment V: Rights in criminal cases

Amendment VI: Rights to a fair trial

Amendment VII: Rights in civil cases

Amendment VIII: Bails, fines, and punishments

Amendment IX: Rights retained by the people

Amendment X: Powers retained by the states and the people

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Amendment Description

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed; which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
No New Vocabulary - Review the words from Weeks 1, 2, and 3.

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How to create custom iOS Framework using xCode ?

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 28 September 2012 0 komentar
Are you thinking of making Product or Library ? Custom framework will help you for sure.

You might have question while using FB, Twitter framework that how did they create ?
You can not modify a single line of FB framework !!!

Let's think, where we can use such frameworks ?
We already read two example, FB and Twitter.

Let's think for another use, some piece of code you replicate in each project. for example these days each project needs to use WS(web services), Right ? why not create a framework for the same ???

Ok, Before you leave reading my blog, Let's get started with making Custom iOS framework, Here we go...

Below are the steps to generate Universal (Device and Simulator) framework with xCode 4.5 GM Seed

Step 1: Create new project
Create new project, select Project template as "Utility Application" (Suppose Project name : "iOSFramework") 
Create new Project
Create new Project

Step 2: Create new target
Navigate to main xCode menu, File => New => Target...

Create new Target
Create new Target
Suppose I named it as "iOSBundle"

Step 3: Remove files .plist,.pch and language
Navigate to project navigator, you can find group for "iOSBundle", Remove .plist, .pch and language files of "iOSBundle" only.

Remove files form bundle
Remove files form bundle

Step 4: Check build settings
Check below list of build settings for "iOSBundle" target only.

  • Base SDK: Latest iOS (iOS X.X).
  • Architectures: Standard (armv7, armv7s) in xCode 4.3 Standard (armv7) 
  • Build Active Architecture Only: NO
  • Supported Platforms: iOS, in xCode 4.3 (iphonesimulator iphoneos)
  • Valid Architecture: $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) 
  • OS X Deployment Target: Compiler Default.
  • Dead Code Stripping: NO.
  • Link With Standard Libraries: NO.
  • Mach-O Type: Relocatable Object File. 
  • Other Linker Flags [optional change, depends upon your framework]:  -ObjC
  • Info.plist File: empty
  • Wrapper Extension: framework 
Step 5: Build Phase => Link Binary With Libraries => remove all references

Step 6:  Add Source Code

Add your source code and resource files under "iOSBundle" target.

In this tutorial I will create only class called "Utility"



Step 7:  Add Copy Header and Compile Source

Go to Build Phase => Add Phase => Add Copy Header

Add Copy Headers
Add Copy Headers

Add all header files in following sections

Public: Headers that other developers must know in order to work with your framework. In the final framework product, these headers will be visible even to Xcode.

Private: Headers that is not necessary to other developers, but is good for consult or for reference. These headers will not be visible to Xcode, but will be in the framework folder.

Project: Headers that the other developers nor Xcode have access. In reality these headers will not be placed in the final product, this is just to instruct the compiler to create your custom framework.

I have added "Utility.h" to public header

Add below file to Compile Source section
Add .m, .cpp, .mm,.c extension files goes to this section for compilation.
In our case it will be "Utility.m" file

Build Phase
Build Phase
If your Framework includes images, sounds, nibs etc resources, put them under Build Phase => Copy Bundle Resources

Step 8: Build configuration

Navigate from main menu,

  • Product => Manage Schemes
  • Select "iOSBundle"
  • Click edit
  • Go to "Run" Section
  • Change build configuration to "Release"

Step 9:  Check build settings

Perform below changes in build setting of "iOSBundle" target

  • Precompile Prefix Header: NO
  • Prefix Header: empty
  • Generate Debug Symbols: NO
Step 10: Build Project 

  • Select "iOSBundle" scheme
  • Build project for "iOS device" (⌘-B)
  • Build project for "iPhone 6.0 simulator" (⌘-B)
Build Project
Build Project
Step 11: Add new target (to Create Universal Framework)
At this moment you can see two different framework in you project's release folder, one for Simulator and one for Device, now we need to merge both framework.

For that let's create one new target,
  • Navigate through, Main Menu => File => Target...
  • Select "Aggregate" template.
  • Named target as "UniversaliOS"

Aggregate Target
Aggregate Target

Step 11: Add Run Script to Aggregate target

Add Below, Run script to Aggregate("UniversaliOS") target.
Go to Build Phase => Add Build Phase => Add Run Script

Paste below in Shell section.

In Above Script, Replace "<FW_NAME>" with your Framework name, In my case "iOSBundle"

Step 12: Build Project with Aggregate scheme

  • Select Aggregate("UniversaliOS") Scheme 
  • Select iOS device
  • Build Project (⌘-B) 
Build Project for Aggregate
Build Project for Aggregate
Step 13: Copy Framework and Test

From Finder Navigate to Build folder of you Project
Under Products folder you can find your merged Framework

For me path for Framework is below,


Copy this Framework to safe place for future use.

Let's test the Framework,

  • Create new project
  • Go to build phase
  • Navigate to "Link binary with Libraries"
  • Select "Add Other", add your(iOSBundle.framework) Framework.
  • Go to AppDelegate.h
  • Import framework header like this (#import <iOSBundle/Utility.h>)
  • Now, Create object of Utility and try accessing methods of class

Thanks for reading the Article!

Keep in touch for more Articles.

Follow me @ Just iOS

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How to Install IPA file to iPhone / iPod / iPad using iTunes? (Mac / Windows)

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 27 September 2012 0 komentar
Confuse! What is IPA file ?

IPA is archived version of iOS Applications. IPA is used for testing purpose, IPA can be shared with each other and can be install into iOS devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod.

PS: Application can install only in those devices, which are bind with used provisioning profile to generate the IPA file. 

Note: Steps remain same for both Mac and Windows

How to Install IPA file in Device ?

Windows users, Please Download iTunes from Apple if you don't have already installed in your machine.
Mac users, iTunes should built in your machine, then also they can Download from Apple.

Step 1: Locate IPA file and Open it with iTunes 

Locate IPA in Finder/Explorer 

Locate IPA file
Locate IPA file
Open with iTunes
Open with iTunes
Open with iTunes

iTunes Apps
iTunes Apps

Step 2: Select your Device and Select your App

  • Please attach you device with your PC.
  • Now, you can find your device in left panel under "Devices" section
  • Select your Device
  • Click on "Apps" from tab menu on Right side.
  • Check the checkbox of "Sync Apps"
  • Check your Application from list of Application  

Select Device and App
Select Device and App
Step 3: Install the App

Click "Apply" (Bottom - Right Corner) Button to install check marked Applications.

Install the App
Install the App
That's it you can see the Application in your device, Enjoy!

Thanks for reading the Article!

Follow me @ Just iOS

Contact us @ Solution Analysts Pvt. Ltd.

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How to upload binary(IPA) to App Store ?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 26 September 2012 0 komentar
Please go through this Article first to know how to create Application in iTunes Account.

Before we go ahead, Make sure your Application status is "Waiting for upload".
Application Status : Waiting for Upload
Application Status : Waiting for Upload

There are main two methods to submit Binary to App Store.

  1. Using Application Loader
  2. Using xCode
Let's go for both one by one,

Using Application Loader

Step 1: Open Application Loader

The latest version of Application Loader is coming with xCode only.
Steps to open Application Loader,
  • Open terminal
  • Use "cd /Developer/Applications/Utilities" to navigate to Utilities folder
  • Use "ls" to view list of Applications
  • Use "open Application\ Loader.app" to open Application Loader Application

Step 2: Login to Application Loader

Login using Apple Account you want to use to upload your Application.
Login to Application Loader
Login to Application Loader

Step 3: Click on "Deliver Your App"

Deliver Your App
Deliver Your App
Step 4: Select your App from the List

Choose An Application
Choose An Application

Step 5: Choose Binary

  • Open your project using xCode
  • Go to build setting and select distribution profile
  • Clean project
  • Select "iOS device" option for particular Project Scheme
  • Build project 
  • Go to Project Navigator
  • Open "Products" group
  • You can find ".app" file of your project.
  • Right click on ".app" file and select "Show in Finder" option
  • In Finder, Right click on ".app" and compress the file.
  • Now you have "HelloWorld.app.zip" file, move it somewhere else for future use.

xCode Project Navigator
xCode Project Navigator

Compress ".app" file
Compress ".app" file

Zip file
Zip file

Now, Choose this zip file from Application Loader

Choose zip file
Choose zip file

Step 6: Send Application to App Store

Now, you are just one click ahead to upload Binary and go live.
Click send and go live :)

Send Application to App Store
Send Application to App Store

Why I recommended to use Application Loader, because you see each activity of uploads. Just click on Activity to know more.

Activity Monitor
Activity Monitor

Using xCode

Step 1: Archive the Project
  • Open your project using xCode
  • Go to build setting and select distribution profile
  • Clean project
  • Select "iOS device" option for particular Project Scheme
  • Go to Product and select Archive
Step 2: Validate and Distribute Build

Click on "Validate", xCode will validate your app, if it found any mistake it will show you warnings and errors. 

Once you fix those warnings and errors, validate your Application again.

Once xCode pass your Application from validation, Click on "Distribute".

xCode will ask for login, you need to login using your iTunes account.

Once you get logged in, Upload process starts automatically.

Validate and Distribute Build
Validate and Distribute Build

Application Status

Once you are done with uploading using any method, Application status will change to "Upload Received"

After sometime, Status will automatically change to "Waiting For Review".

Now you have to wait till Apple Review your Application.

All the best for Apple's Reviewal Process !!

Thanks for reading the Article, hope this helps you.

Contact Us @ Solution Analysts Pvt. Ltd.

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Get an iPhone, iPod, or iPad’s UDID Identifier Number. (Mac, Windows)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
UPDATE (04 April, 2013):

Get an iPhone, iPod, or iPad’s UDID Identifier Number (Mac or Windows PC)

For iTune 11:

  • Open iTunes and connect your device
  • Now click on the library button on top right of your screen.
  • Next click on the iPhone button on top right side, but don’t click on the small eject button.
  • Open the summary page for your device “iPhone” or iPad.
  • There you will see Serial Number, click on the label.
  • It will get replaced by Unique Identifier.
  • Copy that by using right click.

Select Device

Or else just Download below App in your device and send UDID as email.


Get an iPhone, iPod, or iPad’s UDID Identifier Number (Mac or Windows PC)
  • Connect the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad into your computer
  • Launch iTunes
  • Select the iPhone (or iPod, iPad) from the Devices list on the left side of iTunes
  • Click on the “Summary” tab if you’re not on the device summary already
  • Click on “Serial Number” to switch the display to “Identifier (UDID)” – the long string next to this is your UDID number
  • Select Copy from Edit Menu
  • Your UDID is now in clipboard, so you can paste into an email or anywhere you like
  • A sample UDID would look similar to this: 7f6c8dc83d77134b5a3a1c53f1202b395b04482b
  • They are typically 40 characters long. 

Get UDID from iTune
Get UDID from iTune

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Contact us @ Solution Analysts Pvt. Ltd.

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How to Publish iOS Application to Apple Store?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 25 September 2012 0 komentar
Before we go ahead make sure you have below information,

  • Register for iOS developer programe
  • Apple ID having access to Provisioning portal and iTunes Connect
  • 5 Screenshot of Application (Minimum 1)
    • iPhone 4s - 640 x 960 (png format, 72dpi)
    • iPhone 5 - 640 x 1536 (png format, 72dpi)
    • iPad 2 - 768 x 1024 (png format, 72dpi) [this requires if Application support only iPad 2]
    • iPad 3 - 1536 x 2048 (png format, 72dpi)  

Step 1: Geting started

Logged into iTunes Account.
Go to "Manage Your Applications"
Manage Your Applications
Manage Your Applications

Click "Add New App"

Add New App
Add New App
Enter your Company name: (One Time Step)
If you are creating first application from particular Apple Account then only this screen will come up. (Double check the name, because this is going to same for all the App which is going to publish using this account, also this cannot be changed)

Company Name
Company Name

Step 2: App Information

Default language : The primary language you will be using to enter app details for display on the App Store.

App Name : The name of your app as it will appear on the App Store. Note that this name cannot be longer than 255 bytes.

SKU Number : A unique ID for your app. You can use letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. The SKU cannot start with a hyphen, period, or underscore. 

Bundle ID : An identifier used by iOS and Mac OS X to recognize any future updates to your app. Your Bundle ID must be registered with Apple and unique to your app. Bundle IDs are app-type specific (either iOS or Mac OS X). The same Bundle ID cannot be used for both iOS and Mac OS X apps.

App Information
App Information

Step 3: Pricing and Availability of App

Availability Date : The date your app will become available on the App Store.

Price Tire : The level that determines both the customer price as well as your proceeds (which is the net price after taxes, where applicable, have been taken out), If your app is free, select Free. If you are charging for your app, you must have a paid commercial agreement in place before you can sell in your chosen tier. (Click on View Price Matrix to know more about Pricing.)

Discount for Educational Institutions : Check this box if you want this app to be offered at a discount to educational institutions when they purchase multiple copies at once. The details of the discount are found in the latest Paid Application Agreement, which you must sign before this app will be available to education customers.

Pricing and Availability
Pricing and Availability

Step 4: Version Information

Version Number : The version number of the app you are adding. Numbering should follow typical software versioning conventions (for example, 1.0 or 1.0.1 or 1.1).

Copyrights : The name of the person or entity that owns the exclusive rights to the app, preceded by the year the rights were obtained (for example, "2008 Acme Inc.").

Primary Category : The category that best describes the app you are adding.

Secondary Category (optional) : An additional category that further describes the app you are adding.

Review Notes : Additional information about your app and/or your In-App Purchases that may assist our review, such as the details of any test accounts that we can use to test them (including user names, passwords, access codes, etc.) Review Notes cannot be longer than 4000 bytes.
Version Information
Version Information

Step 5 : Rating

For each content description, choose the level of frequency that best describes your app.


Step 6 : Metadata 

Description : A description of the app you are adding, detailing features and functionality. Descriptions cannot be longer than 4000 characters.

Keywords : One or more keywords that describe the app you are adding. When users search the App Store, the terms they enter are matched with keywords to return more accurate results. Separate multiple keywords with commas. Keywords cannot be edited once your binary is in review and cannot be longer than 100 bytes.

Support Email Address : An email address where we can contact you if there are problems with your app. This address will not be seen by customers.

Support URL : A URL that provides support for the app you are adding. This will be visible to customers on the App Store.

Marketing URL (Optional) : A URL with information about the app you are adding. If provided, this will be visible to customers on the App Store.

Privacy Policy URL (Optional) : A URL that links to your company's privacy policy. Privacy policies are recommended for all apps collecting user or device related data, and required for apps that offer auto-renewable or free subscriptions, or as otherwise required by law.


Step 7 : Uploads 

Large App Icon : A large version of your app icon that will be used on the App Store. It must be at least 72 DPI, in the RGB color space, and 1024 x 1024 pixels (it cannot be scaled up). The file type must be .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, or .png. It must be flat artwork without rounded corners.

iPhone and iPod touch Screenshots : iPhone and iPod touch Screenshots must be .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, or .png file that is 960x640, 960x600, 640x960 or 640x920 pixels, at least 72 DPI, and in the RGB color space.

iPhone 5 and iPod touch(5th Generation) Screenshots: iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th gen) Screenshots must be .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, or .png file that is 1136x640, 1136x600, 640x1136 or 640x1096 pixels, at least 72 DPI, and in the RGB color space.

iPad Screenshots: iPad Screenshots must be .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, or .png file that is 1024x768, 1024x748, 768x1024, 768x1004, 2048x1536, 2048x1496, 1536x2048 or 1536x2008 pixels, at least 72 DPI, and in the RGB color space.

Routing App Coverage File (Optional) : Routing app coverage files are .geojson files which specify the geographic regions supported by your app. The file can have only one MultiPolygon element. MultiPolygon elements consist of at least one Polygon. Polygons contain at least four coordinate points. Polygon start and end coordinate points must be the same.

Step 8 : Manage In-App Purchase (Optional step, if application does not contains any In-App Purchase)

Click on "Manage In-App Purchases"
Manage In-App Purchases
Manage In-App Purchases

Click On "Create New"

Create New In-App Purchase
Create New In-App Purchase

Select In-App Type

Select In-App Type
Select In-App Type
In-App Purchase Summary

Reference Name : The reference name will be displayed in iTunes Connect and in sales and trends reports. It will not be displayed on the App Store. The reference name cannot be longer than 255 bytes.

Product ID : A unique identifier that will be used for reporting. It can be composed of letters and numbers.

In-App Purchase Summary
In-App Purchase Summary

Pricing and Availability
Price Tier : The retail price for this In-App Purchase subscription. (Click on View Price Matrix to know more about pricing)

In-App Purchase Details

LanguageDetails for this In-App Purchase are shown below. You must provide at least one language at all times.

Add Language
Add Language

Hosting Content with AppleSelect if you want Apple to host your In-App Purchase content. If you select yes, you must upload your content to Apple before sending the In-App Purchase for review.

Review Notes (Optional)Additional information about your In-App Purchase that can help us with our review, such as test accounts that can be used (including user names, passwords and so on). Review notes cannot exceed 4000 bytes.

In-App Review Notes
In-App Review Notes

Screenshot for ReviewBefore you submit your In-App Purchase for review, you must upload a screenshot. This screenshot will be for review purposes only. It will not be displayed on the App Store. Screenshots must be at least 640x920 pixels and at least 72 DPI.

In-App Screenshot
In-App Screenshot
Step 9 : Bind In-App Purchase to Application (ignore if your application does not have In-App Purchases)

Click "View Details" from current version of Application.

View Details
View Details

Go to In-App Purchase section to select In-App Purchases

In-App Purchases
In-App Purchases

Step 10 : Ready Upload Binary

Once you are done with all above steps, Double check all the information before you change state of Application.

Click on "Ready to Upload Binary"

Ready to Upload Binary
Ready to Upload Binary

Now, Go back to App Summary page, You can see that your Application state is changed to "Waiting For Upload"

Waiting For Upload
Waiting For Upload

Step 11 : Upload Binary

There are two ways to upload binary to iTunes.

1. Using Application Loader (Recommended, because you can have watch on each activity of upload)
2. Using xCode.

Read this Article to know How to Upload Binary to App Store

Once you upload your binary to iTunes, Your Application status changed to "Upload Received" and automatically state will change to "Waiting for Review". 

So, Now your Application is under Apple's reviewal process. Once your Application is reviewed by apple Apple get back to you with approval or rejection with proper reason.

All the best for Apple Reviewal Process !!

Thanks for reading the Article.

Contact us @ Solution Analysts Pvt. Ltd.

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