Cockpit GPS for iPhone 3G
Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Do you like cars that have lots of gauges and switches so it looks a bit like the cockpit of a jet? If you answered anything other than no, then this is an application you might just enjoy. V-Cockpit GPS shows a realistic cockpit style layout of the instruments a pilot would see when flying. Using the accelerometers built into the iPhone (made exclusively for the 3G or newer) the application shows speed, altitude, heading, pitch and bank. It even measures your vertical speed (how quickly you climb or descend) and your rate of acceleration or deceleration. There is a built-in compass, not much unlike some we’ve already seen, and the application even makes jet engine noises and warning sounds.
This is what you get in the free Lite version. The full nerd version gives you a HUD (head-up display), background radio talk, instrument zoom and a few other things. The maker of this game, Alexander Gross, also has a few other applications. The Madshells game (new and improved shell game), the iQualizer (turns noises around you into abstract imagery) and my favorite, the Ski-o-meter. This records your speed as you ski and you can check the history after you finish a run. You can see your average speed, top speed, distance and time. Combining a sport and technology – it definitely kicks butt!
Judul: Cockpit GPS for iPhone 3G
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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